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Our Services   >   Primary Health   >  Alcohol & Drug Support Service

Alcohol & Drug Support Service

Seeking Help for Alcohol and Drug Use
Seeking Help for Alcohol and Drug Use

In Gippsland, if you are over 21,  Australian Community Support Organisation (ACSO) runs the intake and assessment service.


If you live in Gippsland and need help with drug or alcohol addiction, first call ACSO on 1300 022 760. ACSO will then refer you to the right services for more thorough treatment. 

Services Offered by GSHS
  • Counselling to individuals, couples and families

  • Home Based Withdrawal 

  • Hospital based withdrawal support 

  • Care & recovery co-ordination


All services are free.


Rural/Home Based Withdrawal Service 

The Rural/Home Based Withdrawal provides confidential support, advice, education and referral to clients and families of people with drug and alcohol problems who want to safely stop or  reduce use.


Our specialist nurses work in the  community visiting clients in their homes or in hospital. 


We work with you to plan withdrawal and  recovery. We support you through the   withdrawal period and help to organise  ongoing support.


Our services are available to: 

  • Youth

  • Adults

  • Families


Alcohol & Drug Counselling

Our service provides  safe, supportive, non-judgmental counselling for you, your partner and your family, who are affected by the misuse of  alcohol and other drugs.


Appointments are available at: 

  • Leongatha

  • Korumburra

  • Foster 

  • or by arrangement.



The Needle & Syringe  Program (NSP)  provides free sterile needles and disposal containers.

NSP is available at Leongatha and Korumburra Hospitals.


Education is available to school and community groups by our experienced counsellors.


After Hours Support

Please call the "Direct" hotline on 1800 888 236 for 24-hour drug and alcohol support service.

Useful Links


AA (Alcoholics Anonymous)

ADF (Australian Drug Foundation)

NA (Narcotics Anonymous)


66 Koonwarra Road

Leongatha Victoria

Postal Address:

Private Bag 13

Leongatha  Vic  3953


Counselling Service -

5667 5527

Withdrawal Program -

5667 5506

After Hours Support 

(DIrectLine) -
1800 888 236


Mon - Fri

8:30am to 5pm

Rural/Home Based Withdrawal Service
Alcohol & Drug Conselling
After Hours Supprt
Useful Links
Gippsland Specialist Alcohol and Drug Treatment Sevice
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