Our Services > Primary Health > District Nursing
District Nursing Service

District Nursing is a community based service throughout the South Gippsland Shire. The service is available to all eligible residents within the Shire and includes the townships and surrounding areas of:-
Tarwin Lower
Venus Bay
Mirboo North
Referrals to our Service
To access District Nursing Services the service requires a written referral. Our District Nursing team will then assess and prioritise the consumer's eligibility to have the District Nursing Service provide care in your home. We liaise closely with the hospital, local medical officers and the South Gippsland Shire.
These can be made by:-
Your doctor, any hospital, other district nursing agencies, self, family, friends/carers and other health professionals.
All new participants undergo an assessment of their individual needs prior to receiving service. The purpose of the assessment is to assist the individual client and/or carer to determine the types of assistance required, explore support options, inform service details and develop a care plan reflecting the needs of the consumer. We make every effort to overcome any barriers to accessing the program.
Services available
Continuity of acute nursing care via Hospital in the Home and Post Acute Care Programs. Provision of this service will be dependent on a written referral, the prioritisation of clinical need and the application scope of practice guidelines of our staff.
Specialised assessment and management of acute and chronic wounds.
Palliative Care nursing.
Comprehensive assessment of activities of daily living.
Medication and pain management.
Continence Management.
Diabetic Management.
Stomal Therapy.
Referral to Allied Health Services.
How much will it cost?
District Nursing fees are set by Government Departments. Current charges are available from the Health Service Accounts Department on request.
65 Bridge Street
Korumburra Victoria
Postal Address:
65 Bridge Street
Korumburra Vic 3950
03 5654 2722
Mon - Fri
8:30am to 5pm