Our Services > Primary Health > NDIS
National Disability Insurance Scheme

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a Commonwealth Government funded service that provides individualised support for eligible people under the age of 65, who have a permanent and significant disability.
The NDIS recognises that everyone is different and gives people with a disability the choice and flexibility about the type of support they need, when they need it, and who provides that support.
GSHS is a registered NDIS provider, and we are able to offer services to participants who are self-managed, plan managed, and NDIA managed.
Services available include:
Support coordination.
Therapeutic supports (Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Pathology, Dietetics, Social Work, and Podiatry).
Early childhood intervention.
Community nursing care (Continence, Stoma, and District Nursing).
Development of life skills.
Personal mobility equipment.
Social and community participation (respite).
Social group/centre-based activities.
Domestic assistance (household cleaning and assistance with laundry).
Personal care (help with bathing/showering).
Shopping assistance.
Meal preparation.
For more information, we can be contacted at ndis@gshs.com.au or 03 5667 5662, or please see the below helpful links:
NDIS Price Guide and Information
Book 1 - Understanding the NDIS
Book 1 - Understanding the NDIS (Easy English version)
Book 2 - How to Make an NDIS Plan (Easy English Version)
Book 3 - How to use your NDIS Plan (Easy English Version)
66 Koonwarra Road
Leongatha Victoria
Postal Address:
Private Bag 13
Leongatha Vic 3953
03 5667 5662
Mon - Fri
8:30am to 5pm