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Our Services   >   Primary Health   >  NDIS   >   NDIS Service Rates

NDIS Support Rates
Effective 1st July 2024

GSHS will continue to charge the NDIS published rates for support services, with the current Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2024-25 valid from 1st July 2024, Version1.2. GSHS will be increasing their prices to match the new published rates.


​GSHS will charge ‘provider travel’ relating to the MMM4 and MMM5 (regional).  This is the transport for therapists to travel to and from the participant's home, from their place of work and/or travel for the support worker to the participant.  This will be claimed from the relevant category of the service provided (e.g. Time Travelled x Rate of Service Provided).

Below we have highlighted the new NDIS rates for commonly used supports, the full NDIS price guide and support catalogue can be accessed via the following link:

Support Name
Support Description
Support Item Number
Current Rate
Core Support
Community Access (1:1)
Item No 04_105_0125_6_1
Saturday - $95.07 p/hr
Core Support
Community Access (1:1)
Item No 04_102_0125_6_1
Public Holiday - $150.10 p/hr
Core Support
Community Access (1:1)
Item No 04_103_0125_6_1
Weekday Evening (8pm to 12am) - $74.44 p/hr
Core Support
Community Access (1:1)
Item No 04_104_0125_6_1
Weekdays (6am - 8pm) - $67.55 p/hr
Core Support
Community Access (1:1)
Item No 04_106_0125_6_1
Sunday - $122.59 p/hr
Core Support
Community Access Group Ratio (1:2)
Item No 04_103_0136_6_1
Weekday Evening (8pm - 12am) - $37.22 p/hr
Core Support
Community Access Group Ratio (1:2)
Item No 04_106_0136_6_1
Public Holiday $75.05 p/hr
Core Support
Community Access Group Ratio (1:2)
Item No 04_105_0136_6_1
Sunday $61.29 p/hr
Core Support
Community Access Group Ratio (1:2)
Item No 04_102_0136_6_1
Weekdays (6am - 8pm) -$33.77 p/hr
Core Support
Community Access Group Ratio (1:2)
Item No 04_104_0136_6_1
Saturday - $47.53 p/hr
Core Support
Community Access Group Ratio (1:3)
Item No 04_102_0136_6_1
Weekdays (6am - 8pm) - $22.15 p/hr
Core Support
Cross billing payments for residential aged care subsidies and supplements
Item No 01_049_0115_1_1
Rate as determined and stated in the participants NDIS plan
Core Support
Delivery of Health Support by Registered Nurse
Item No 01_608_0114_1_1
Saturday - $196.58 p/hr
Core Support
Delivery of Health Support by Registered Nurse
Item No 01_611_0114_1_1
Weekday Night- $134.64 p/hr
Core Support
Delivery of Health Support by Registered Nurse
Item No 01_609_0114_1_1
Sunday - $196.58 p/hr
Core Support
Delivery of Health Support by Registered Nurse
Item No 01_606_0114_1_1
Weekday - $119.82 p/hr
Core Support
Delivery of Health Support by Registered Nurse
Item No 01_607_0114_1_1
Weekday Evening - $132.18 p/hr
Core Support
Delivery of Health Support by Registered Nurse
Item No 01_610_0114_1_1
Public Holiday - $222.16 p/hr
Core Support
Delivery of Health Support by an Enrolled Nurse
Item No 01_604_0114_1_1
Public Holiday - $179.34 p/hr
Core Support
Delivery of Health Support by an Enrolled Nurse
Item No 01_603_0114_1_1
Sunday - $158.71 p/hr
Core Support
Delivery of Health Support by an Enrolled Nurse
Item No 01_602_0114_1_1
Saturday - $138.06 p/hr
Core Support
Delivery of Health Support by an Enrolled Nurse
Item No 01_605_0114_1_1
Weekday Night - $108.84 p/hr
Core Support
Delivery of Health Support by an Enrolled Nurse
Item No 01_601_0114_1_1
Weekday Evening - $106.76 p/hr
Core Support
Delivery of Health Support by an Enrolled Nurse
Item No 01_600_0114_1_1
Weekday - $96.78 p/hr
Core Support
Household Tasks
Item No 01_020_0120_1_1
House cleaning - $56.23 p/hr
Core Support
Participant Travel
Item No 04_590_0125_6_1
99 cents/km
Core Support
Personal Care (1:1)
Item No 01_013_0107_1_1
Saturday - $95.07 p/hr
Core Support
Personal Care (1:1)
Item No 01_014_0107_1_1
Sunday - $122.59 p/hr
Core Support
Personal Care (1:1)
Item No 01_015 _0107_1_1
Weekday Evening (8pm - 12am) - $74.44 p/hr
Core Support
Personal Care (1:1)
Item No 01_012_0107_1_1
Public Holiday - $150.10 p/hr
Core Support
Personal Care (1:1)
Item No 01_011_0107_1_1
Weekdays (6am - 8pm) - $67.56 p/hr
Core Support
Short Term Accommodation and Assistance (Inc Respite)
Item No 01_052_0115_1_1
1:4 Sunday $1009.40 p/day
Core Support
Short Term Accommodation and Assistance (Inc Respite)
Item No 01_053_0115_1_1
1:4 Public Holiday $1187.96 p/day
Core Support
Short Term Accommodation and Assistance (Inc Respite)
Item No 01_051_0115_1_1
1:4 Saturday $830.84 p/day
Core Support
Short Term Accommodation and Assistance (Inc Respite)
Item No 01_045_0115_1_1
1:4 Weekday $684.96 p/day
Improved Daily Living
Allied Health AHA level 2
Item No 15_053_0128_1_3
Therapist - $86.79 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Allied Health Dietetics
Item No 15_062_0128_3_3
Therapist - $193.99 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Allied Health Occupational Therapy
Item No 15_617_0128_1_3
Therapist - $193.99 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Allied Health Physiotherapist
Item No 15_055_0128_1_3
Therapist - $193.99 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Allied Health Podiatry
Item No 15_619_0128_1_3
Therapist - $193.99 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Allied Health Speech Pathology
Item No 15_622_0128_1_3
Therapist - $193.99 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Clinical Nurse
Item No 15_416_0114_1_3
Public Holiday - $256.98 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Clinical Nurse
Item No 15_413_0114_1_3
Weekday Evening - $152.88 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Clinical Nurse
Item No 15_414_0441_1_3
Saturday - $197.79 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Clinical Nurse
Item No 15_412_0114_1_3
Weekday - $138.60 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Clinical Nurse
Item No 15_415_0114_1_3
Sunday - $227.39 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Clinical Nurse
Item No 15_417_0114_1_3
Weekday Night - $155.75 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Continence/ Stoma Nurse
Item No 15_418_0114_1_3
Therapist - $163.91 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Delivery of Health Support by Registered Nurse
Item No 15_406_0114_1_3
Weekday - $119.82 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Delivery of Health Support by Registered Nurse
Item No 15_410_0114_1_3
Public Holiday - $222.16 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Delivery of Health Support by Registered Nurse
Item No 15_408_0114_1_3
Saturday - $171.00 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Delivery of Health Support by Registered Nurse
Item No 15_409_0114_1_3
Sunday - $196.58 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Delivery of Health Support by Registered Nurse
Item No 15_407_0114_1_3
Weekday Evening - $132.18 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Delivery of Health Support by Registered Nurse
Item No 15_411_0114_1_3
Weekday Night - $134.64 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Delivery of Health Support by an Enrolled Nurse
Item No 15_403_0114_1_3
Sunday - $158.71 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Delivery of Health Support by an Enrolled Nurse
Item No 15_400_0114_1_3
Weekday - $96.78 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Delivery of Health Support by an Enrolled Nurse
Item No 15_401_0114_1_3
Weekday Evening - $106.76 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Delivery of Health Support by an Enrolled Nurse
Item No 15_402_0114_1_3
Saturday - $138.06 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Delivery of Health Support by an Enrolled Nurse
Item No 15_405_0114_1_3
Weekday Night - $108.74 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Delivery of Health Support by an Enrolled Nurse
Item No 15_404_0114_1_3
Public Holiday - $179.34 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Early Childhood AHA- level 2
Item No 15_008_0118_1_3
Therapist - $86.79 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Early Intervention Support for Early Childhood
Item No 15_005_0118_1_3
Therapist - $193.99 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Early Intervention Support for Early Childhood Physiotherapy
Item No 15_003_0118_1_3
Therapist - $193.99 p/hr
Improved Daily Living
Social Worker
Item No 15_621_0128_1_3
Therapist - $193.99 p/hr
Improved Health and Wellbeing
Allied Health Dietetics
Item No 12_025_0128_3_3
Therapist - $193.99 p/hr
Support Coordination
Coordination of Supports
Item No 07_002_0106_8_3
Therapist - $100.14 p/hr
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