Our Services > Primary Health > Planned Activity Groups
Planned Activity Groups
We aim to offer recreation, entertainment, laughter, activity, fun, food and above all help to establish new friendships.
Who is eligible
People are eligible to participate if they are living at home independently with supports or alone and are:-
Frail/older people;
Older people with a disability;
Younger people with a disability;
People receiving NDIS or Home Care Packages.
Participation and referral
Anyone can refer an eligible person to this program by contacting the Planned Activity Group Coordinator on 03 5654 2741, Gateway on 5654 2737 or My Aged Care on 1800 200 422. All new participants undergo an assessment of their individual needs prior to commencing. This program provides an opportunity to re-establish or initiate new social contacts within the local community. We make every effort to overcome any potential barriers to participating in the program.
Areas the program services
The Planned Activity Group’s programs are structured to provide services to different communities on different days encompassing most of the South Gippsland Shire.
Types of activities
As a general guide, activities can include:-
Exercise, Massage & Relaxation
Indoor Games, Quizzes & Brainteasers
Picnics & BBQ’s
Guest Speakers
Music & Entertainment
Visits to local groups and places of interest
We also link in with Allied Health Services and other community services.
We generally tailor our activities to suit participant interest. The activity plan is a guide only and is subject to weather etc.
Program details
Group activities are generally provided between 10:00am and 2:00pm. Morning tea and lunch is usually provided as part of the program. We provide bus pick up and drop off for all Planned Activity Groups. Groups take place at the following locations:-
Korumburra Hospital
Dakers Centre Leongatha
Baromi Centre in Mirboo North
Tarwin Lower Community Centre.
Medication and personal care
Staff are NOT permitted to administer medications or undertake personal care tasks.
Program costs
A scheduled fee is charged and invoiced monthly or may be billed though Home Care Packages or NDIS Plans. Some outings attract entry fees and additional charges. Clients are required to bring additional money with them for such outings and are notified accordingly.
COVID Safety
Participants are asked to follow the COVID safety guidelines as instructed by staff members. This includes: -
Temperature checks
Regular hand hygiene
Wearing a mask within the bus and group activities, unless eating and drinking or an exemption applies.
The program provides transport enabling most people to be picked up from their homes. Our fleet includes buses fitted with hydraulic hoists that allow us to pick up people who are using mobility equipment. Seat belts must be worn at all times while travelling on the bus.
65 Bridge Street
Korumburra Victoria
Postal Address:
65 Bridge Street
Korumburra Vic 3950
03 5654 2721
Mon - Fri
8:30am to 5pm