Our Services > Primary Health > Planned Activity Groups > HAPI
Healthy Ageing & Prevention of Injury (HAPI) Program
Who are eligible
People are eligible to participate if they are living independently in their home and are:-
Frail and/or able bodied older people;
People with a intellectual and/or physical disability;
People with an acquired brain injury (ABI); and
Carers of these people.
Participation in the program
A completed GP referral form is required prior to commencing HAPI. Anyone can refer themselves or an eligible person to this program by contacting the Planned Activity Group Office on 03 5654 2791 or by emailing the HAPI instructor kay.rodda@gshs.com.au.
The who and what of HAPI
This program is managed by Gippsland Southern Health Service’s (GSHS) Planned Activity Group Coordinator. Each exercise session is lead by a qualified, group exercise leader with assistance and support from Allied Health Assistants.
Types of activities
The HAPI program is a chair based and/or weight bearing, low impact aerobic exercise program which aims to improve strength, flexibility and balance in participants. As a general guide, activities can include use of hand weights, balance discs, small/medium sized balls and resistance bands.
Benefits include:-
Improved general fitness and increased awareness.
Improved sense of wellbeing due to better physical health and social interactions.
Reduced hospital admissions due to decreased risk of falls.
Program details
MONDAY & TUESDAY - Morning Session
The Masonic Hall,
25 Bridge Street, Korumburra
Commencing at 9.45am through until 11.15am. Exercises start at 10.00am.
MONDAY– Afternoon Session
Senior Citizens Centre, Couper Street, Mirboo North
Commencing at 1.45pm through until 3.15pm. Exercises start at 2.00pm.
WEDNESDAY - Morning Session
Dakers Centre, Smith Street, Leongatha
Commencing at 9.15am through until 11.30am. Exercises start at 9.30am (1st group) and 10.45am (2nd group). Please note: 10:45am (2nd group) class at Leongatha is more cardiovascular.
Exercise classes run for 45 minutes and conclude with a cuppa and morning/afternoon tea.
Program costs & attendance
A scheduled fee per person is charged and invoiced monthly. If you are not able to attend the program for any reason, you are requested to contact our staff on 03 5654 2791 to advise them of your absence. If the office is unattended, please ensure you leave a message with the relevant details.
Medication & personal care
Staff are NOT permitted to administer medications or undertake personal care tasks. It is vitally important that you ensure you advise staff of any changes to your circumstances i.e. medical condition/history, living arrangements etc.
Areas the program services
The program is structured to provide services to different communities within the South Gippsland local government areas on different days.
65 Bridge Street
Korumburra Victoria
Postal Address:
65 Bridge Street
Korumburra Vic 3950
03 5654 2737
Mon - Fri
8:30am to 5pm