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Our Services   >   Primary Health   >  Planned Activity Groups   >   Mates

Mates Program

A program designed specifically for men.

We aim to offer recreation, entertainment, laughter, activity, fun, food and above all help to establish new friendships.


Who are eligible 

Men are eligible to participate if they are living independently in their home and are:-

  • Frail/older people;

  • Older people with a disability;

  • Younger people with a disability;

  • People with an acquired brain injury; 

  • Carers of these people.


Participation in the program

Anyone can refer an eligible person to this program by contacting us.  All new participants undergo an assessment of their individual needs prior to commencing.


This program provides an opportunity to re-establish or initiate new social contacts within the local community.


We make every effort to overcome any potential barriers to participating in the program.


Medication & personal care

Staff are NOT permitted to administer medications.


Types of activities

As a general guide, activities can include:-

  • Exercise, massage & relaxation;

  • Indoor games, quizzes &  brainteasers;

  • Picnics & BBQ’s;

  • Guest speakers;

  • Music & entertainment;

  • Visits to local groups & places of interest; and

  • We also link in with other community services. 


We tailor our activities to suit client interest.  The activity plan is a guide only and is subject to weather and other variables.


Areas the program services

All Planned Activity Groups are structured to provide services to different communities on different days of the week, encompassing most of the South Gippsland Shire. 


Program details

The MATES program runs every Wednesday of the week and activities are offered between 10.00am and 2.30pm.  


Morning tea and lunch is provided as part of the program.  Participants are required to be ready for pick up between 9.00am and 10.00am and will be returned home between 2.30pm and 4.00pm.  


Please note there is no specific time for pick up or returning home.


Do's & don'ts
  • Do inform us of walking and mobility concerns (wheelchairs, frames);

  • Do tell us of allergies, medical conditions or medical alerts;

  • Do relax, have fun and enjoy yourself;

  • Don’t forget to call us if you are not able to attend;

  • Do inform us of any special dietary requirements.


Program costs

A small scheduled fee is charged and invoiced monthly or quarterly.  Some outings attract entry fees and additional charges.  Clients are required to bring additional money with them for such outings and are notified accordingly.


Program attendance

If you are not able to attend the program for any reason, you must contact our staff on 03 5654 2791 to advise them of your absence.  If the office is unattended, please ensure you leave a message with the relevant details.



The program provides transport enabling most people to be picked up from their homes.  Our fleet includes buses fitted with hydraulic hoists that allow us to pick up people with complex mobility concerns.


Seatbelts MUST be worn at all times whilst travelling on the bus.  It is compulsory to wear a seatbelt at all times with the exception of a valid exemption certificate.


65 Bridge Street

Korumburra Victoria

Postal Address:

65 Bridge Street

Korumburra Vic 3950


03 5654 2737



Mon - Fri

8:30am to 5pm

Who are eligible
Participation in the program
Types of activities
Medication & personal care
Areas the program services
Program details
Do's & don'ts
Program costs
Program attendance
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