Our Services > Primary Health > Social Work
Social Work

What do social workers do?
Social Workers are an integral part of the health care network at Gippsland Southern Health Service.
Social Workers help people and their families cope with the challenges and problems that confront them following illness or life changes.
Social Workers are trained to undertake psychosocial assessments, provide counselling, assist with advocacy and provide appropriate information and referrals.
Social Work staff are available to assist patients and their families with any personal or practical difficulties.
Social Work staff are also involved with educational and support groups and programs that operate in the community.
Social work at GSHS
The GSHS Social Work Department provides a Social Work service for:
Patients and clients of Gippsland Southern Health Services.
People in the community who wish to access counselling at Community Health Centres at Korumburra and Tarwin Lower.
Residents within the Shire of South Gippsland.
Social Work is committed to five basic values:
Human dignity and worth
Social justice
Service to humanity
(Ref: Australian Association of Social Work Code of ethics.)
How can a social worker help?
Social Workers work with areas such as:
Loss and grief
Life cycle changes
Pregnancy support
Parenting and family issues
Domestic violence
Racial and gender inequality
Child protection and wellbeing
Victims of crime
Social policy, and
Social justice.
Social workers can assist with practical matters involving:
Community services
Residential aged care
Centrelink entitlements
Health care complaints, and
Referrals to other appropriate services.
The social work service is free and confidential.
How to contact a social worker
An appointment to see a Social Worker can be made in a number of ways:
Referrals can be made by any GSHS staff member.
Referrals can be made by other services and agencies in the community.
Or you can make a referral yourself by:
Tel: 5654 2737, Fax : 5667 5535, Mail : Private Bag 13, Leongatha
66 Koonwarra Road
Leongatha Victoria
Postal Address:
Private Bag 13
Leongatha Vic 3953
03 5654 2737
Mon - Fri
8:30am to 5pm